Members of the county assembly from Wajir and Garissa counties have filed a case under habius corpus seeking the government to produce Della Mca Yusuf Hussein in Court.

by Robert Guyana

Wajir MCAs in court seeking to have Della MCA produced by Government.6v

Members of the county assembly from Wajir and Garissa counties have filed a case under habius corpus seeking the government to produce Della Mca Yusuf Hussein in Court.

Through lawyer Danstan Omari, the Mca’s want the acting inspector general of police Gilbert Masengi and the director of criminal investigation Amin Mohammed to produce the Wajir MCA in court whether dead or alive.

“I have the instructions from the county assembly of Wajir to file an application for the release of one Yusuf Hussein, a member of county assembly Della Ward following his abduction five days ago,he has not yet been found, we want the judge to compel the investigation urgencies to produce him in court”Said Omari.

According to the mca’s , there colligue was abducted by armed people whom they believed that they are police officers at around Industrial area few metres from the industrial area police station.

While addressing the press at Milimani court, Speaker of Wajir county Yusuf Abdille has expressed his dissatisfaction by the manner in which the security agents are dealing with the matter despite the fact that the Della MCA was abducted five days ago.

“We have done all that we can to find this member of county assembly,the family, friends and all the electorates are living in fear, everything in Wajir is at stand still because we are all here in solidarity so that we can get one of our member”Said Abdille.

The judge is yet to give his directions.

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