Home Court News Two people charged with Sh18M fake gold fraud.

Two people charged with Sh18M fake gold fraud.

by Robert Guyana

A Kenyan and Nigerian national have been charged at Milimani law courts with fSh18,500,000 Gold fraud.

Gideon Nuka Gbaravopnu and Seth Steve Okute pleaded not guilty before magistrate Francis Andayi.

According to police report,they were supposed to deliver 2000kgs of gold to the Italian in Dubai.

They were charged that on diverse dates between January 1st and April 30th this year at DTB Bank, Jomo Kenyatta Airport branch within Nairobi county, with others not before the court, defrauded Lewis Ikenna, an Italian citizen a total of US dollars 185000.

The Italian claim he was invited to Kenya by the Nigerian who was introduced to him at a church programme by a well-respected pastor in Port Hartcourt Fivers State in Nigeria.

He claimed the Nigerian man told him he was an international businessman dealing with petroleum and crude oil and that he was the CEO of Giotor integrated Services limited.

“In January 2021 he called and told me he had 2000kgs of Gold and he was looking for a buyer, I used my contact in Dubai and got a buyer and a sale agreement was signed between the buyer and the Nigerian company,” said the Italian

The two pleaded not guilty to the charges and were released on a cash bail of Sh600,000 or Sh1M bond.

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