Home Court News Two KRA officials charged with Sh 53M Tax fraud.

Two KRA officials charged with Sh 53M Tax fraud.

by Robert Guyana

Two KRA officials have been charged with being in possession of unaccustomed goods contrary to section 200(d) (iii) of the East Africa Community Customs Management Act, 2004.

Martin Ng’ang’a and Julius Njoroge Mburu appeared before magistrate Francis Andayi of Milimani Law courts and denied the charges.

The court was informed that the two committed the offense on September 7, 2021 at Viken Thirty Industrial Park in Ruai area along Eastern by pass within Nairobi County, together with others not before the court, they were found in possession of unaccustomed goods which 153,580.50 liters of ethanol contained in 618 250 lire drums with a dutiable value of Sh 53,737,580 in contravention of the East Africa Community Customs Management Act, 2004.

The defense told the court that the accused are only store keepers at KRA and have been cooperating with the investigation officers.

Lawyer for first accused Mr Gwandaro said that the accused has three kids and has a known resident. They were released on Sh 1 Million or a cash bail of Sh 500,000 cash bail.

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