Home Court News A private Investigator Jane Mugo ordered to produce medical document in court.

A private Investigator Jane Mugo ordered to produce medical document in court.

by Robert Guyana

A private Investigator Jane Mugo has been ordered to produce a medical report after she failed to appear in court on claims she underwent a knee surgery.

Chief Magistrate Susan Shitubi said Mugo who is charged with threatening to kill two people should produce a medical report in court by December 16 2021.

This is after her lawyer told the court that the self-proclaimed detective underwent a knee procedure and she could not appear in court for the hearing of the matter.

“Your honour my client called me this morning saying she is unable to attend court after the doctors recommended her to take a bed rest after a knee procedure” said the lawyer.

The prosecution counsel Alice Mathangani who was ready to proceed with the hearing of the matter asked the court to order the lawyers to produce a medical report before the court could ascertain if indeed their client is unwell.

Mugo, was arraigned in a Nairobi court in 2019 is  facing charges of threatening to kill Patrick Mugasia Kefa and Deepa Shah.In the first charge, police said the investigator drew her pistol and threatened to kill Kefa on August 15, 2015.

The second offense allegedly took place at Kyuna Close in Spring Valley on February 4, 2019, where threatened to kill Shah.

She is out  on a cash bail of Sh200,000 in the first and Sh100,000 on the second charge.

The case will be mentioned on December 16.

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