Home Court News Reedemed Church Administrator charged with possessing Government stores unlawfully.

Reedemed Church Administrator charged with possessing Government stores unlawfully.

by Robert Guyana

A church administrator has been charged with illegal possession of government stores

The accused person appeared before magistrate Onyina and charged with being in posession of governemnt stores contrary to the law.

Miss Ann Sally Nanzala Ongola, the suspect was arrested on February 8, 2023 in Westlands Sub-County in possession of a certificate of appointment indicating that she had been given an appointment by superintendent at Kenya Prison service.

She is believed to have forged the said appointment in order to evade traffic police officers at various checkpoints along Nairobi City.

“You are charge that on 8th February 2023 in westlands subcounty within Nairobi, was found in possession of a certificate of appointment of service number 41474 bearing the name of Michael Munyendo a superintendent at Kenya prison service which you showed to traffic police officers when they stopped you for traffic offence” reads the charge sheet.

She denied particulars of the charges with her lawyer indicating that the case was a family matter.

She was however released on Kes 40,000 Bond, the case will be mentioned on February 17.

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