Home Court News Warrant of arrest issued against alleged car theft suspect.

Warrant of arrest issued against alleged car theft suspect.

by Robert Guyana

Warrant of arrest issued against car thieve suspect George Ndeti Kikuyu

A Nairobi court has issued a warrant of arrest against businessman George Ndeti Kikuvi after he failed to turn up in court.

Kikuvi is accused that on diverse dates between July 8, 2022 and February 24,2023 at unknown place within the republic of Kenya with others not before the court conspired to commit a felony namely stealing motorvehicle regestration number KCN 787M Toyota TX, white in colour valued at Sh4. 5M.

The accused person is said to have stolen the said car the property of Mirriam Mamakonde.

He was also charged with stealing another vehicle from the complainant contrary to the law.

In the third count the accused person is charged with Forgery.

The court papers says that the accused person forged a motorvehicle agreement form purported to have been written by the complainant.
He is also accused of uttering the said forged document to one David Mokanyo Moyaki purporting that it was original and written by the complainant.

The matter will be mentioned next year for pre-trial

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