Home Court News Daniel Mwangi Mucheru and Elius Kemboi Korir Appear Before Milimani Law Courts

Daniel Mwangi Mucheru and Elius Kemboi Korir Appear Before Milimani Law Courts

by Robert Guyana

A Nairobi businessman was today arraigned at Milimani Law Courts facing charges of bank fraud contrary to section 317 of the Penal Code.

Daniel Mwangi Mucheru was charged that April 2, 2020 at unknown place within the republic of Kenya jointly with others not before Court conspired to defraud Guaranty Trust Bank Ksh 54.7 million.

He faced another charge of stealing Ksh 54.7 million from the said bank on diverse dates between April 2 and May 29, 2020.

Appearing before SPM Benmark Ekhubi, the accused denied the charges and was detained pending bail and bond determination.

In the same court, Elius Kemboi Korir an NGO ex-officio was charged with obtaining assorted shop goods from Kanduyi Investment limited valued at Ksh 17.1 million pretending he was in a position to pay a fact he knew to be false.

He denied the charges and was released on Ksh 2 million bond with an alternative cash bail of Ksh 500,000.

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