Home Court News A Tawian bussneman was Monday arraigned at Milimani law court and charged with obtaining goods worth five million

A Tawian bussneman was Monday arraigned at Milimani law court and charged with obtaining goods worth five million

by Robert Guyana

Ku Ming Hung who appeared before Milimani magistrate Gilbert Shikwe pleaded not guilty to count and was released on a cash bail of 300,000 with one contact person or a bond of one Million.

While pleading for the accused person to be released,lawyer for the accused Abdihaki Dahir told the trial court that the accused persons is not a flight risk and has a place of aboard.

“The accused is Tawian national who has a place of aboard,he is a sole bread winner for his family,and is ready and willing to attend court.”Said Abdihakim.

According to the chargesheet,it’s is alleged that on 8th August 2023 at the Nairobi centeral business within Nairobi county,with intent to defraud 5,000,000 from Shao Da Lin Qiang by falsely pretending that you were in a position to incorporate him into a Casino business within the central business district fact you knew to be false.

The matter will now be mentioned on the 27th of May 2024 for pre trial directions

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