Home Court News Gikomba Traders in court seeking justice over ongoing Demolitions.

Gikomba Traders in court seeking justice over ongoing Demolitions.

222 Gikomba traders have moved to court seeking justice the ongoing demolitions, they want the Government to help.

by Robert Guyana

222 Gikomba traders have moved to court seeking justice the ongoing demolitions, they want the Government to help.

The applicants filed an application dated April 24/2024 saying that they are exposed.

They say that two people from the Solidarity group have died due depression following the ongoing Gikomba demolitions.

Speaking at Milimani law court shortly after they filed a case at the high court, seeking to stop the demolition that is being contacted by the Nairobi county government, Led by city lawyer Danstan Omari, The 222 people say there rights have been violated given that they have been in that land since 1992.

According to them, they have been filing and paying land rates and they are now shocked to why their business are being demolished.

Omari also added that the business is serving more than 5 million people both locally and internationally and thus want the government to stop the ongoing demolitions.

“This business is serving many people both locally and internationally, there are some individuals who are after this land and want to do the same business, we want the government to stop this exercise so that this matter can be heard and determined “Said Omari

On their behalf, John Kinami the chairman of the Solidarity group want President William Ruto to intervene arguing that he promised to protect the interests of the hustlers, Kimani also added that the group is very much disappointed given that they are the heirs of the initial allottees.

“It’s unfortunate someone is after our land that we inherited from our forefathers, we have even been paying land rate and fees to this county government, as we speak we don’t know what to do ,our children are also suffering because we don’t have a place to work “Said Kimani

The court will deliver its ruling in the application on the 10th of June after all the parties have been served.

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