Home Court News Sh 63M theft case against a 91 year old Man to be heard in two weeks time.

Sh 63M theft case against a 91 year old Man to be heard in two weeks time.

by Robert Guyana

A case in which a 91 years old man is accused of stealing Sh 63 Million will be mentioned in two weeks’ time.

When the matter was mentioned virtually by magistrate Wendy Micheni, the lawyer for the accused Mohammed Shalima informed the court that Mr. Mohammed Akram khan was discharged from the hospital and the doctor recommended two weeks bed rest bearing in mind the strong medication he has been subjected to.

The Advocate for the complainant Ekuru Aukot insisted on the accused person being watched by the DCI stating that the accused person might disappear.

Mr. Mohammed Shalima reminded the court that the accused person had in the past submitted his passport to court and in no circumstance he is in a position to flee out of the country.

The court directed the matter be mentioned on 8th November, 2022 to confirm the status of Mr. Mohammed Akram khan (the accused person).

In the case, the old man is accused of stealing Sh 63Million but plea taking has since been differed because of his health conditions.

The intended charge sheet indicates that on December 4, 2013 and September 16, 2014, at Habib Bank Limited Koinange Street Branch in Nairobi, being an agent to the late Sukhdev Singh Mangat, jointly stole Sh 63,700,000 the property of the said Sukdev, which had been entrusted to him by Surjit Singh Sawan Singh to pay to the Sukhdev Singh Mangat.

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