A Businessman involved in Sh 9Million fake Macadamia deal has been charged at Milimani Law Courts.
Kevin Macharia Ikoroi appeared before magistrate Bernard Ochoi and denied several counts of conspiracy to defraud, obtaining money by false pretenses, forgery and uttering false documents.

Macharia was charged that on diverse dates between April 14,2022 and April 18,2022 with intent to defraud jointly with others not before the court, conspired to obtain Sh 9,421,272 from ANKIT GENERAL TRADING LLC, in pretenses that he was to supply them with 4,540 Kilograms of Macadamia(Kernels) size 20 knowing it was untrue.
The accused was also charged in another count with obtaining that money on similar dates and place.
In the third count, He was charged with forgery contrary to the law. He is accused of forging a certificate of origin from Kenya National Chamber of Commerce &Industry dated April 28,2022, purporting it to be a genuine document drawn and signed by Kenya National Chamber Director knowing it was untrue.
The accused was again charged with uttering the said forged document to Kenya National Chamber director knowing it was false.
Macharia faced another count of forging a phytosanitary Certificate purporting it to be a genuine document signed by an officer from Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services(KEPHIS)knowing it was untrue.
He was also charged with forging a Bill of Landing for ocean transport document and signed by MAERSK Kenya Limited knowing it was untrue.
Macharia was finally charged with forging Packing list document purporting it to be genuine drawn and issued by Standard Global Services knowing it was untrue.
The accused pleaded with the court to be released on favorable bond terms saying that he has been unwell.
He was supposed to appear in court two weeks ago but the court was informed that he was unwell.
The prosecution said they were not provided with medical documents and that the accused should plead to the charges.
Macharia was released on Sh 2Million bond or a cash bail of Sh 1Million.