Home Court News Warrant of arrest issued against former Java hotels CEO.

Warrant of arrest issued against former Java hotels CEO.

by Robert Guyana

A Milimani court has issued warrant of arrest against Derrick Cornelius Van Houten,the current group Chief executive officer of the bottomline company, and the former chief executive officer of KFC and Java.

This is after he failed to appear in court before Milimani chief magistrate Lucas Onyina for plea taking.

Last week,Houten the former KFC and Chief executive of (CEO) of Java failed to appear in court because he was sick and the doctor had recommended him to have a bedrest for five days, this is according to his lawyer.

When the matter came up for plea taking on the 2nd of April,his failed to explain to the court the whereabout of the suspect,a move that prompt the dpp to seek a warrant of arrest against the suspect.

According to the chargesheet as prepared by the director of publication prosecution,it is alleged that on the diverse dates between the 1st October 2021 and the 31st January 2022 ,in Nairobi within Nairobi county ,with intent to defraud you obtained from Awil Abdurahman Abdulle a total sum of Ksh 7,911,000. by falsely pretending that you were in a position to approve and construct a Java Hotel for him in Narok fact you knew to be false.

the matter will be mentioned on the 17th of April.

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