Home Court News Four Men Charged in Nairobi for Interfering with Condemned Powdered Milk

Four Men Charged in Nairobi for Interfering with Condemned Powdered Milk

by Robert Guyana

Four men were today charged in a Nairobi anti-corruption court for allegedly interfering with condemned powder milk seized for destruction.

The court heard that Joseph Ndungu Guchecha, Ramadhan Kariuki Gitau, Edwin Wanjala Barasa and Francis Kyalo Mwandandu jointly with others not before court without the authority of the Commissioner Customs and Border Control, interfered with 1,511 bags each containing 25 kg of condemned powdered milk which were subjected to customs control by virtue of having been seized for destruction.

The suspects were also charged with stealing 1,511 bags each containing 25 kg of condemned powdered milk, the property of the Kenya Revenue Authority. It is alleged that the accused persons committed the offense on the 3rd May, 2023 at Sambot Ship’s Contractors within Mombasa County.

Ramadhan was separately charged with the additional offence of being in possession of 1,511 bags each containing 25kgs of condemned powdered milk. The offence he allegedly committed on the 16th May, 2024 at Nuff Enterprises in Umoja Three in Nairobi.

They pleaded not guilty to the charges, and Joseph, Edwin and Francis were released on a bond of Ksh. 200, 000 and alternative cash bail of Ksh. 100, 000, while Ramadhan was released on a bond of Ksh. 500, 000 or cash bail of Ksh. 200, 000.

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