Gideon Muriuki Coop Bank CEO linked to mass corruption in judiciary by a Petitioner.
A petition filed in court is raising alarm over Cooperative Bank CEO Gideon Muriuki’s alleged integrity, which links top judges to corruption. A Petitioner has questioned Cooperative Bank CEO Gideon Muriuki’s integrity and at the same time raised alarm over allegations of massive corruption scandals involving high-ranking Judges at the high court.
The petitioner has specifically fingered judges handling Gideon Muriuki’s case where he has been sued by others. Ruo Maina who is a senior Citizen and a man who was allegedly defrauded Sh34 million shares has narrated to the court why he feels Muriuki and his team have questionable characters.
He had earlier last year filed a petition in court seeking the removal of Muriuki from office. He has also registered a complaint with the DCI claiming that Muriuki is after his life.
He now wants the court to allow senior citizens like him to be allowed in key matters of economic importance ” THAT under articles 10, 21, 33, and 57 of the constitution of Kenya 2010 which obligates the state to take measures to ensure Senior Citizens participation in personal development and accord them dignity, respect, protection and this Honorable Court is therefore obligated to provide care and reasonable assistance to Senior citizens,” he told the court.
He has also told the court how corrupt some judges are giving an example in which a certain judge found that something sinister was happening in his case. ” Recently Principle Judge Hon. Justice Erick Ogola genuinely wanted to know why eminent Advocates like Joseph Mugo Kamau as he was then known, now the Honorable Justice Mugo
Kamau of the Nyamira
High Court, Senior Counsel John Morris Ohaga now turned nemesis, Senior Counsel Frederick Ngatia and Advocate Ng’ang’a Mbugua had abandoned acting for us and I explained to him that the Garnishee Bank the Co-operative Bank of Kenya, and its CEO.
A petition filed in court is raising alarm over Cooperative Bank CEO Gideon Muriuki’s alleged integrity
Groups Managing Director Dr. Gideon Maina Muriuki, MBS, EBS, CBS introduced diabolical influences like corruption, black magic, witchcraft, and sorcery in court and that the courts were now under oppressive influences of satanism,” said Maina in his application filed in court.
He added that the rot had been prominent following the online virtual court session introduction. ” But the establishment of this evil was in total denial and that the virtual online swearing to tell the truth in court had systematically banished because of the use of the traditional Christian Bible in our courts hence nobody including the Judges was telling the whole truth anymore which fact had mongrelized the truth, a serious indictment of our jurisprudence where nobody is made to account for lying anymore,” he said.
He added that with the same judge, they agreed that a problem was being wedded. ” THAT at the end of the meeting, we all seemed to agree that the Garnishee Bank had variously admitted to holding in its custody the contentious 34,816,200 stock shares belonging to Orion East Africa Limited and the Garnishee Bank ought to stop their shenanigans and abide by the established rules of this honorable court on dealing with issues on Garnishee Absolute Decrees. The courts should also stop peddling fear by criminalizing innocent legitimate Litigants,” he added.

Cooperative bank CEO Gideon Muriuki
He added that Justice Josephine Wayua Mong’are was siding with Muriuki to promote an illegality. “THAT this Application for a Review of the Ex-parte Orders irregularity issued on 23rd July 2024 given on 15th August 2024 by Justice Josephine Wayua Mong’are ironically after dispensing with the same matters in her judgment delivered on 13th May 2024, be certified urgent and fit to,” he told the court.
He said that the Garnishee Bank’s decision to file an application that prevented them from executing a court order that saved them was ironical. “Be heard forthwith and be granted ex-parte and in a priority to any other matter herein:-
” THAT the honorable court be pleased to review, rescind, and re-examine the law and facts appertaining to this matter and to pronounce a new Judgment by vacating the EX-PARTE ORDERS dated 23rd May 2024 irregularly obtained by the Garnishee Bank the Co-operative Bank of Kenya and its CEO and Groups Managing Director Dr. Gideon Maina Muriuki MBS, EBS,
CBS without status or locus standi In the matters concerning HCCC 1822 of 2000 and HCCC 343 of 2002, the Garnishee Bank has over many years methodically trampled upon the rights of the Decree. Holder by undermining the execution process through time-wasting frivolous Applications in this honorable court without the Rights,
Mandate legal capacity to bring such action or appear in this honorable court and that the stay of execution orders granted by this Honorable Court is illegal, without basis, and highly controverted as there are no matters currently before the court respecting the legal doctrine of established universal principles of fanctusofficio; the said Decree Orders having been given on 14th,,” he said.