Home Court News Kitui Governor suffers a blow after court declines to stop her impeachment Motion

Kitui Governor suffers a blow after court declines to stop her impeachment Motion

Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu

Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu has suffered a blow after the high court allowed her intended impeachment Motion to continue at the County Assembly.

High Court Judge Weldon Korir has dismissed her application seeking to stop the planned impeachment motion.

“The case before me challenging the planned impeachment lacks merit and is hereby dismissed,” ruled Korir today.

The judge had last week issued temporally orders stopping the impeachment process pending the hearing and determination of her case.

Ngilu had sued the County Assembly, the Speaker and the Clerk of the County assembly, who were listed as the first, second and third respondents respectively.

Ngilu had argued that tabling the motion would violate her constitutional rights.

The motion is to be tabled by Majority Leader and Athi Ward representative Peter Kilonzo.

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