Home Court News Insurance Company accountant charged with Sh 26 M theft.

Insurance Company accountant charged with Sh 26 M theft.

by Robert Guyana

An Insurance Company Accountant has been charged at Milimani law courts with Over Sh 26 Million theft.

Jack Moses appeared before Milimani Magistrate Francis Andayi and denied the charges.

The court was informed that on diverse dates between January 2, 2019 and January 29, 2021 at unknown place within the country, jointly with others not before the court, being employee of Takaful Insurance of Africa Limited as an accountant, stole Sh 26,364,131 which came into his position by virtue of his employment.

He told the court that he needed time to negotiate with the complainant on how he will settle the amount.

The accused was released on Sh 400,000 cash bail or a bond of Sh 5 million.

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