Home Court News A gang of 5 charged with attempting to to drill a wall to get into Prime Bank OTC branch.

A gang of 5 charged with attempting to to drill a wall to get into Prime Bank OTC branch.

by Robert Guyana

Five men who allegedly attempted to drill a wall to get into Prime Bank OTC branch, in Kamukunji area were on Monday charged with breaking into a building and preparing to commit a felony.

Reuben Njukia, Charles Mugo, Jesse Muruiki, ,Fredrick Muderwa and Gabriel Mugai appeared before Milimani Chief magistrate Martha Mutuku and denied two counts of committing a felony and breaking into a building to commit a felony.

The five were found in four lodging rooms in Nairobi preparing to break into Prime bank

In the charge sheet, the five are accused that not being in their place of abode had with them articles for use for shop breaking namely five Hacksaw, five metal bars, sisal rope, manual driller, brief case, iron sheet cutter which led to the conclusion that they were there for illegal purposes of shop breaking.

They allegedly committed the offence on July 2 at around 0030 hours at Angle Kenda house bar and restaurant along Ukwala lane in Nairobi.

In the second count the five are charged that on the dates and place with intent to commit a felony, broke and entered ceiling roof of Angle Kenda building.

The prosecution counsel Anderson Gikunda objected for the release of the accused on bail or bond pending trial saying that the first accused Reuben Njukia has a similar case before the court where he was charged and released on a cash bail in 2020.

The prosecutor told Magistrate Mutuku that to release the suspect to the society especially the first accused, will give him a chance to continue with their normal criminal activities.

He urged the court to detain Njukia and the other accused persons pending hearing of the case.

The court released four of the accused persons on a cash bail of Sh300, 000 with a surety of two contact persons who have been verified by the DCI.

Njukia has been denied bond citing a similar case already before court. He has been directed to apply for bail after six months.

According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations, the suspects had rented a room next to the bank where they were drilling the wall before their arrest.

The five who were arrested last Friday morning were paraded at Kamukunji Police Station for the public to see them and what they were up to.

The case will be mentioned after two weeks.

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