Home Court News Prosecution has finally closed their case in lawyer Willie Kimani’s murder Case.

Prosecution has finally closed their case in lawyer Willie Kimani’s murder Case.

by Robert Guyana

The case that has taken over five years in court involving a murder of lawyer Willie Kimani, his client and Taxi Driver has finally been closed.

The prosecution has concluded their case and now the parties are waiting for determination on whether the accused will be acquitted or they will be found with a case to answer.

Lawyers representing the suspected killers of lawyer Willy Kimani have told the press that they have putting put up a good legal fight in the criminal trial against their clients.

Cliff Ombeta who is representing Frederick Leliman and Stephen Cheburet said that he did his best to represent the two Police officers who are facing murder charges.

“We are happy that this matter has come to a close, it has been tedious it has been tiring. We are satisfied with the way it has gone. We have put a good fight. The kind of effort we have put we are optimistic”, he said.

The prosecution last witnesses finished giving his evidence in chief and cross examination this morning. The DPP called a total of 46 witnesses.

Justice Jessie Lessit will on Monday next week deliver a ruling on whether the five accused persons have a case to answer.

If she rules in favor of the prosecution the four APs and a police informant will be placed on their defense in the trial that began five years ago.

The officers at Fredrick Leliman, Stephen Cheburet, Sylvia Wanjiku and Leonard Mwangi are charged alongside Peter Ngugi the police informant.

Judge  Lessit added that  because of the strict timelines  given  for her to finish this case she would deliver a ruling then the defense can later on make their submissions a suggestion that was accepted by the both the defense and the prosecution.

Ombeta had earlier on suggested that they be allowed to make oral submissions but when the judge gave her view he agreed it would save courts time.

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