Home Court News Petition to remove DPP from office now lands at Ombudsman office.

Petition to remove DPP from office now lands at Ombudsman office.

by Robert Guyana

A petition in which Activist Charles Rubia Waithaka Seeks Removal Of DPP Haji On Accusations Of Misconduct has been refereed to Ombudsman to investigate it.

Rubia says DPP allegedly kicked out competent and long-serving prosecutors and replaced them with novices.

He has written a letter through the office of Musyoki Mogaka Law firm urging the Ombudsman to to probe Haji over the matter.

Waithaka has expressed concern over how the DPP is running the office and allegedly ruining the careers of senior prosecutors, by transferring them to the Attorney General’s office, where they are seconded to do desk work for ministries.

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