Home Court News A driver and turn boy sentenced to six months in jail transporting Energy drinks without stamps.

A driver and turn boy sentenced to six months in jail transporting Energy drinks without stamps.

by Robert Guyana

Two men have been sentenced to six months imprisonment after they were found guilty of having energy drinks without excise stamps as required by the law.

Isaiah Gitau and Gilbert Mwangi appeared before Magistrate Wendy Kagendo of Milimani law courts and pleaded guilty to the charges.

They were charged that on November 4, 2021, being a driver and a turn boy of a certain motor vehicle, were found in possession of excisable goods which are 1200 cases of Azam Energy drink and 100 cases of apple punch juice which were not affixed with excise stamps as required by regulation 30(1) (f) of Excise Duty management system regulations 2017, occasioning the commissioner Domestic Taxes an Excise duty loss of Sh 108,482 and Value added Tax of Sh 249,600.

They were also granted a fine of Sh 50,000.

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