Presidential Aspirant Esther Waringa has appeared in court and charged with obtaining credit against the law.
Esther Waringa Kihuha was charged that she committed the offense on September 21, 2021 at Museum Ground Bomb blast within Nairobi County.
She is said to have incurred a debt or liability from PASCALIA MWENDE Maingi she obtained credit amounting to Sh 67,200 by falsely pretending that she was in a position to pay for food, drinks, tents and catering services rendered to her, a fact she knew to be false.
She said that she was admitted at the hospital and that is the reason she did not appear in court for plea taking last time.
“I was at the hospital. I didn’t go to the hospital physically. I communicated to my lawyer but he told me later, “she said.
She did not have a lawyer today as she appeared before magistrate Bernard Ochoi.
Did not appear for plea taking got involved in accident
The prosecution said she has not shown any evidence and the advocate is not in court and no medical evidence has been provided in court to show that she was unwell. She pleaded guilty to the offense.