Home Court News Man charged with rape

Man charged with rape

by Robert Guyana

A man has been charged at Milimani Law courts with rape against the law.

Suleiman Ssentongo appeared before chief magistrate Susan Shitubi and denied the charges.

The court was informed that he committed the offense on February 14, 2022 at Westagate Guest House along Kirinyaga Road within Nairobi County, he is said to have intentionally and unlawfully raped a woman without his consent.

He faced an alternative count of committing an indecent act with an adult against the law.

Suleiman SSentongo was charged that on February 14, 2022 at Westagate Gust House along Kirinyaga road, intentionally touched the private parts of a woman against her will.

He has been released on Sh 200,000 cash bond.

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