Home Court News Man charged with forging National Police Service document.

Man charged with forging National Police Service document.

by Robert Guyana

A man accused of forging National Police Service document has been charged at Milimani Law Courts.

Nelson Mukara Sechere appeared before magistrate Bernard Ochoi of Milimani Law Courts and denied two counts of forgery and uttering false documents.

He is being accused with defrauding six persons in need Sh2.4 M by the pretense to secure them jobs at the National police service.

The accused was charged that at unknown date and at unknown place within the Republic of Kenya, with intent to defraud forged a National Police Service Female Docket Number (National Police Service Recruitment letter) purporting t to be a National Police Service Female Docket Number for Naibel Sharon Chemtai.

Nelson is also alleged to have falsely uttered a forged National police service female docket number purporting it to be a genuine document for Naibel Sharon Chemtai to Ashley Ayuma.

According to court documents the accused person alerted the complainant Ashley Ayuma that there he was in a position to secure recruit slots at National Police college in Kiganjo after showing her several recruitment documents.

“He then told her that for that to happen each recruit must give Ksh400, 000 to cater for that process as already the recruits were in college.” Read the police report in part.

The report continued to say that the complainant having been convinced she reached out to her uncle in the village to provide names of people with needs to be recruited to police service.

Her uncle then gave her six names and the accused demanded Ksh 2.4M.

He pleaded not guilty and was released on a cash bail of Ksh 50k.

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