Home Court News Former Kanu-era Cabinet minister Joseph Kamotho’s Son charged

Former Kanu-era Cabinet minister Joseph Kamotho’s Son charged

by Robert Guyana

A son of former Cabinet minister Joseph Kamotho and also a medical doctor has been charged with forging a medical report indicating that his sister is insane.

Appearing before magistrate Wendy Micheni, Charles Githi Kamotho was charged that on October 12, 2015 at unknown place within the Republic of Kenya with intent to defraud, forged a medical Report dated October 12, 2015 for Marianne Nyokabi Kamotho purporting it to be a genuine report made and signed by Doctor Mucheru Wangombe.

He faced a second count with uttering a document with intent to defraud.

Githi was charged that on November 6, 2020 at Milimani Law Courts at Milimani Law Courts, with intent to defraud knowingly uttered a forged medical report dated October 12, 2015 in the name of Marianne Nyokabi Kamotho to Deputy Registrar Milimani High Court in succession cause 1096/2017 purporting it to be a genuine Medical report made and signed by Dr.Mucheru Wangombe.

Charles Githi Kamotho denied the charges before Chief Magistrate Wendy Kagendo.

He is accused of forging a doctor’s report, which he filed in court, saying his sister, Marianne Nyokabi Kamotho, is of unsound mind hence not fit to be administrator of the estate.

Through Lawyer Kimani Wachira, Githi informed the court that he and the complainants are related and they want to settle the matter out of court.

“We would like the court to adjourn the case because the accused and complainant are related and they would like to settle the matter out of court and we also want to find out whether the offenses are valid, “said Wachira.

The prosecution opposed the application for adjournment and the plea taking process continued.

He was released on Sh300, 000 surety or an alternative of Sh150, 000 cash bail.

Nyokabi has complained to the Authorities to have her Mother and her two brothers investigated saying that they have frustrated her and they want to deny her a share of her father’s properties.

She has complained that her mother and brother have continued to harass and threaten her with bodily harm including Kidnap.

Nyokabi who claims to be of sober mind says that in spite of her report to the police, no actions has been taken against her mother and brother.

Nyokabi on a letter dated September 10, 2020 had accused his two brothers Charles Githii, James Mwai and her mother of intermeddling with the assets of the Estate of their late father HON Kamotho.

She says that on September 6, 202, Githi together with the other brother James Mwai Kamotho instructed a stranger to lock her inside her house where she resides with her mother in Kitusuru.

Since then, she says that together with her daughter, a minor have been unable to leave their house thereby causing her mental anguish and inconvenience. Despite her plea to be freed, they have maintained that they should not be allowed to leave her house.

She says that her tribulations started when she objected their attempt to dispose of the property in Kitsuru.

Nyokabi says the Estate is yet to be administered and despite the family agreeing that the administrators be herself, Charles and Her Mother Eunice Kamotho, they have reneged on the same and fraudulently filed a succession cause in Muranga Law Courts.

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