Home Court News Former OCS Charged with Sexual Harassments of his Juniors.

Former OCS Charged with Sexual Harassments of his Juniors.


A former OCS at Dandora Police Station has been Charged at a Nairobi Court with Sexual Assault offenses against the law.

Samir Adhuman Yunus appeared before Milimani Magistrate Wendy Micheni and denied one count of abuse of position of Authority Against the sexual offenses Act.

He was charged that on June 15,2019 at Dandora Police Station Within Nairobi County, being an Officer Commanding Station(OCS)at the above station, he took advantage of his position of Authority and had sexual intercourse with JM within the limits of Dandora Police Station.

Yunus was arrested on Monday amid allegations of abusing male and female officers and was detained at Capitol Hill Police Station.

There have been complaints from other officers in Dandora and Kamukunji police stations that he similarly used his position to harass them.

Through his lawyer Kimani Wachira,Samir pleaded with the court to be released on favorable bond terms saying that he is a family man.

“My client is a senior is in service and therefore not a flight risk, “added lawyer Kimani.

He was released on a cash bail of Ksh.200,000 or a bond of Ksh.500,000.

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