Home Court News Kirimas Family Appoints Sonko to spearhead Negotiations process.

Kirimas Family Appoints Sonko to spearhead Negotiations process.

by Robert Guyana

The family of the late Kirima has appointed Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko to be their champion in the process of negotiations.

Lawyer Evans Ondieki who is acting for Jane Gathoni Kirima said Sonko will assist in the negotiations because of the high political interests the matter has attracted.

“We have decided to appoint Mike Sonko to be the champion who will address the interests of beneficiaries. He has been successful in Waitiki, South B and another Kirima property in Parklands,” stated Ondieki.

Gathoni stated that the family intends to conduct a land survey to establish the worth of the piece of land.

At the same time, she said they seek compensation from those illegally settled there on the land at current market value.

According to Gathoni, their father first bought 470 hectares of the land during which the family settled on the land and established an abbotteur.

She said over time, the family expanded the land by acquiring more parcels of land.

Gathoni said the land has already been distributed to bona fide beneficiaries.

“Justice Isaac Lenaola established the genuine beneficiaries of the land. This matter was settled 10 years ago where each beneficiary got his or her rightful share,” she said.

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