by Robert Guyana

The much awaited judgement against former TV anchor, Jacque Maribe and her former Fiancé Joseph Irungu alias Jowie has been adjourned for the second time to January 26,2024.

Adjourning the Judgement, the trial Judge Justice Grace Nzioka said she could not deliver her judgement since she received exhibits relied on last night (December 14).

“This judgement is not ready because I received the exhibits and I need humble time to write a reasoned Judgement” said Justice Nzioka.

She directed the parties to assemble in court on January 26 for the judgement.

The directions were given virtually from her current station in Naivasha High Court.

The two ex-lovers are charged with the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani who was found dead with her throat slit at her Nairobi home in September 2018.

The verdict was to be delivered on October 6th but was postponed after Lady Justice Grace Nzioka was reported to be ill.

Trial Judge Grace Nzioka was to deliver the judgement today but told parties that she received the exhibits which are crucial in helping her determine the case as late as yesterday.

This is the second time the judgment has been postponed.

The first time the Judge was indisposed.

“I took time to write the judgement. We’ve made progress. But on Monday I discovered that when the file was sent to me not all exhibits were sent to me,” the judge said.

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