Home Court News A Ugandan witch-doctor charged with Sh 1.3M fraud is now ready to refund all the money.

A Ugandan witch-doctor charged with Sh 1.3M fraud is now ready to refund all the money.

by Robert Guyana

A Ugandan witch-doctor charged with Sh 1.3M fraud is now ready to refund all the money.

Appearing before magistrate Dolphina Alego, Kenneth Nkolwa said he has already refunded Sh 500,000 and the balance he will pay.

He told the magistrate that he had come to have an agreement with the complainant on how to refund the money.

The witch-doctor was informed that the complainant got an asthmatic attack yesterday and therefor she could not make it to court.

“I have already refunded Sh 500,000 which forms part of the complained amount but am still in custody, “added Nkolwa through his lawyers.

He told the court that there is a vehicle that is with police that he wants to sell and pay the remaining amount, adding that he had already gotten the buyer.

“We request the court to grant us an earlier mention date because I am ready to enter into an agreement with the complainant, “he added.

Asked when he will clear the full amount, he said he is making effort as soon as possible.

The prosecution on the other hand said that they are not aware of any agreement and that if the two parties wants to settle the matter there is not barrier.

They added that if there is any agreement in force, the complainant should be present.

In the matter, Nkolwa has been charged at the Milimani Law Courts with defrauding a Kenyan trader of Ksh1.3 million by lying to him that he was in a position to treat and heal his nephew, suffering from an epileptic condition, using magical healing.

He is said to have committed the offense on diverse dates between May 29 and July 28, 2023, at Stima Plaza Ngara area within Westlands Sub-county in Nairobi County.

He denied two charges of cheating the complainant Deka Said Omar by the use of fraudulent tricks being a witchdoctor you induced Omar to pay Ksh1.3 million by falsely pretending that you were in a position to treat and heal an Epileptic condition of one Mohammed Jamal, a nephew to the said Omar through magic heal a fact he knew to be false.

The prosecution alleges that despite the victim paying the money, the health condition of his patient continued to deteriorate.

Further, the witch-doctor faced a second charge of being illegally in the country without valid documents contrary to the law.

The prosecution told the court that the accused being a Ugandan national was found unlawfully in the country on November 27, 2023, at Park Road area in Ngara Estate without valid documents.

After denying the charges Nkolwa’s lawyer pleaded with the court for leniency, saying his client is a Kenyan citizen and has the right to be released on bond as per the constitution.

The prosecution led by Anderson Gikunda vehemently opposed the bond application by the accused and asked the court to detain the accused for one week awaiting a pre-bail report from the investigating officer.

Magistrate Onyina directed the accused to be detained at Parklands police station until December 4, 2023, when the court will deliver a ruling on the application.

Now the matter will be mentioned on December 20, 2023.



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