Home Court News Kakamega senator to Sue “toto” over defamation claims

Kakamega senator to Sue “toto” over defamation claims

by Robert Guyana

Kakamega senator Dr Bonny Khalwale has granted Cleophas Toto Shimanyula a 48 hours ultimatum to withdraw malicious  statements he made in relation to the death of his worker one Kizito Amukune Moi.

In a demand letter, through city lawyers Danstan Omari and Shadrack Wambui, the UDA senator has threatened to sue the businessman for defamation and a compensation amounting to over Sh 500 millions.

“The senator is married to three wife’s,a Kisii,a Luhya and Maasai and the move by toto to claim that the three are linked to the death of there worker was so demeaning ‘Said Omari.

According to lawyers, three postmoterm were done by several goverment pathologist one from the national government and the one from the county government with all the results indicating that indeed the deceased dies died because of wounds inflected to him by a bull.

Omari who was accompanied by the senator Khalwale in a Press statement at Milimani law court,also said that he will be seeking instructions from other relevant authorities that were maliciously mentioned by the Kakamega tycoon.

Moi died on Sunday, January 28 after being gored by a fighter bull.

He was buried on Monday, February 5, a week after Khalwale said he postponed his funeral “following wild, baseless and false claims by some pseudo politicians in Kakamega” that there was more to the death than what the senator was saying.

Khalwale has since the emergence of the claims denied that he had a hand in the death of his long-time farmhand who served him for over 20 years.

“I’ve readily opened up my home to the police to allow them to make credible and conclusive investigations into this sad death thereby enabling them to pursue the matter to a logical conclusion before burial plans continue,” he said on January 31.

An autopsy conducted by Government Pathologist Johansen Oduor revealed that injuries inflicted on Moi were consistent with those made by a horn.

Shimanyula has until the 8th Thursday of February 2024 to respond to the letter.

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