Home Court News Bishop Gakuya in court over Sh 1billion Sacco scam claimsllion

Bishop Gakuya in court over Sh 1billion Sacco scam claimsllion

by Robert Guyana

The prosecution through the DCI economic crimes unit is seeking to detain Bishop David Kariuki Ngare, alias Gakuyo for four days to allow time for investigations into allegations of embezzling Sh1 billion from members of his Ekeza Sacco where he is the founder.

In a miscellaneous application filed at the Milimani Law Courts, the DCI said they are investigating a case of conspiracy to obtain money by false pretenses and money laundering amounting to over Sh1 billion.

Bishop Gakuyo was arrested at JKIA yesterday taking a flight to Lusaka, Zambia.

In an affidavit, Bernard Gikandii an officer attached at DCI says the investigations are at an advanced stage and that they believe the bishop was trying to flee the Jurisdiction of the Court.

DCI cited the public outcry from victims and other affected persons over the funds lost or allegedly stolen by Bishop Gakuyo and companies associated with him.

The DCI says that Gakuyo is likely to interfere with the ongoing investigations including contacting critical witnesses and concealing material documents necessary and relevant to the investigations.

However, in cro ss-examination by defense Lawyers led Danstan Omari and Ndengwa Njiru, the Investigating Officer confirmed that for the last five years he has been investigating Gakuyo, he has never interfered with any witness.

According to Lawyer Danstan Omari, the DCI seems to be using draconian laws to block Gakuyo from attending international prayer conference to be held at Nyayo Stadium from 24th to 25th given the fact they are applying to detain the bishop over the weekend.

The Court will give a ruling on the application tomorrow.

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