Home Court News Former Nairobi Provincial Commissioner Faces Fraud Charges, Await Bond Ruling

Former Nairobi Provincial Commissioner Faces Fraud Charges, Await Bond Ruling

by Robert Guyana

Former Nairobi Provincial Commissioner (PC) Davis Nathan Chelogoi finds himself at the center of legal proceedings as the court prepares to rule on his bond status following four days in remand. Chelogoi faces six counts of fraud, including forgery and forcefully detaining individuals.

Among the charges, Chelogoi is accused of defrauding businessmen Ashok Rupshi Shah and Hitenkumar Amritlal Raja of a significant parcel of land valued at Ksh.1.3 billion. The alleged fraudulent activity is reported to have taken place in Lower Kabete Road.

Additionally, Chelogoi faces charges of forgery and uttering a forged document, wherein he purportedly presented a falsified allotment letter to investigators, falsely attributing it to the commissioner of Lands.

The gravity of the allegations is further compounded by accusations of forcefully detaining individuals on the disputed land in Lower Kabete.

As the legal proceedings unfold, stakeholders await the court’s ruling on Monday, which will determine whether Chelogoi will be granted bail pending further developments in the case. The outcome of this ruling will likely have significant implications for the trajectory of the legal proceedings and the future of the accused former provincial commissioner

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