Home Court News Julius Kimani Kamau will now have to spend the long weekend in police cells after being arraigned in Court

Julius Kimani Kamau will now have to spend the long weekend in police cells after being arraigned in Court

by Robert Guyana

Activist Julius Kimani Kamau will now have to spend the long weekend in police cells after being arraigned in Court today for disrupting CS Treasury Ndugu’s photo session during the 2024/2025 budget reading at the National Assembly.

Kamau was charged alongside Erick Mankuyu Seyiele that on June 13, 2024 at treasury building along harambee avenue in Nairobi CBD created disturbance in a manner likely to cause a breach of peace by yelling and shouting.

Julius Kamau pled guilty to the offence however, he held the court at ransom by trying to address the court on what made him do what according to him ‘the legislators failed to do to stop oppression’

“I am ready to do anything to see change in this Country, am ready to die for freedom, am ready to die for justice, am ready to die for equality. We cannot continue living like slaves in our own country, in our father’s land, the land where our fathers bled and died to free this country from the shackles of colonialism…colonialism never really ended in this Country” lamented Kamau.

The court ordered that he be escorted to hospital for mental assessment awaiting plea taking on Tuesday next week.

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