Home Court News A middle-aged woman denies threatening to publish man’s nude photos for cash.y

A middle-aged woman denies threatening to publish man’s nude photos for cash.y

by Robert Guyana

A middle-aged woman charged with the hreatening to publish man’s nude photos for cash.

Marion Bonareri Odiembo alias was presented before the principal magistrate Ben Mark to answer to the charge of extortion by threat contrary to the Section 300 of the penal code.

According to the prosecution,on diverse dates between 1st January 2018 and 28th April 2024 in Webuye Town in Bungoma County using threats and intimidation extorted a total of Ksh 669,084 from Wilfred Nyasimi Oroko by threatening to expose his nudes photos.

“You are charged with obtaining money by intimidation and threats and that between 1st January 2018 and 28th April 2024 in Webuye Town in Bungoma County using threats and intimidation extorted a total of Ksh 669,084 from Wilfred Nyasimi Oroko by threatening to expose his nudes photos.”The charge sheet

Marion was arrested on 21st September and detained at Kilimani police station.

The court directed Marion to be released on a cash bail of ksh 200,000.

In Alternative, she will be detained at Langata women prisons pending hearing and determination of the case.

‘Revenge Porn’.

In 2018 Preside Uhuru Kenyatta assented to The Computer Misuse and Cybercrime Act 2018 to curb offences relating to computer systems; to enable timely and effective detection, prohibition, prevention.

The Act made it a crime to post private, sexual materials, either photos or videos, of another person without their consent with intended to cause emotional distress.

If convicted of the offence, Marion will have to pay a fine or cool her heels in jail.

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