Devolution PS Julius Korir has been charged in court for assaulting his then pregnant wife.
He appeared before Milimani Chief Magistrate Susan Shitubi and denied one count of assault.
Earlier,Korir had been issued with warrant of arrest to appear in court to confirm whether he and his estranged wife Everlyn Koech has agreed to settle the matter out of court.
He however appeared later in the evening.However, the prosecution told Milimani chief magistrate Susan Shitubi that the parties had not reached a consensus.“We hoped that the case would be settlement today but since there is no agreement we are seeking for a warrant of arrest against the accused since he is out on police bond”, the prosecution said.Through his lawyer Nicholas Ombija, Korir pleaded for seven more days to have the matter settled saying the delay was occasioned by the accused having a spinal cord problem.“What has slowed down the process the accused has got a problem with the spinal cord. One of the bones has is very painful and restricts his movement. He is willing to settle the matter and we are asking to come next week for settlement”, lawyer Ombija told court. The lawyer urged the court not to issue a warrant of arrest when there is settlement in the offing.He added that Sh450, 000 was deposited in court pay for the complainant’s rent for the month of January and February.“Today we have also carried Sh450, 000 in cash for this month’s rent, the court was told.Ombija added that he had forwarded transfer document of residential property to complainant’s lawyer and equally send a letter to the agent to transfer all rent due payable to the new owner. He dismissed claims that Korir was trying to play hide and seek in the court. The complainant’s lawyer Kemboi Kibet, however insisted the magistrate to issue the warrant of arrest arguing that the accused has severally failed to appear in court in the case.Kibet said there is concern that the accused is taking for a ride.“The court knows that there is an ongoing settlement but the truth is that there is no consensus. There is no settlement”, the lawyer said. He said if Sh450,000 was deposited in court, why is it at the court and not with the complainant.“The accused is charged with assault where he injured the complainant. It constitutes to emotional abuse by dangling proposal for settlement and there is nothing”, he added. The country has a gender based violence policy and it states that the role of judiciary is to expedite the case. He urged the magistrate to be guided by the policy of the government and the seriousness of the offence and to issue warrant of arrest to the accused.
Early march, the court had given Korir 30 days to settle the assault case or be charged.He had been warned not to contact witnesses.He has been released on Sh 20,000 cash or a bond of Sh 20,000 plus one surety of similar amount.
Devolution PS charged with assaulting pregnant wife