Home Court News Three former Kenya pipeline officials released on sh 3 million cash bail.

Three former Kenya pipeline officials released on sh 3 million cash bail.

by Robert Guyana

Three former Kenya pipeline Company officials have been charged at Milimani Anti-Corruption Court with abuse of office.

Charles Kiprotich, Elias Maina and Josphat Kipkoech appeared before Chief Magistrate Douglas Ogoti and denied the charges.

They faced seven counts of abuse of office and corruption.

The prosecution did not oppose bail but requested the court to direct the accused to deposit their passports and refrain from visiting their offices or being in contact with witnesses.

They requested for favorable bond terms and told court and witness statements.

They were released on a cash bail of Sh 700,000 or alternative bond of Sh 3 million.

They are accused of abuse of office, making a false document and willful failure to comply with law relating to procurement.

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