Home Court News Court directs prosecution to provide statements of President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga in a case.

Court directs prosecution to provide statements of President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga in a case.

by Robert Guyana

Court has directed the prosecution to provide the defense with statements of President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga, if there are any, in a case where two persons were charged for allegedly leaking CCTV footage that captured the President and his entourage in the Nairobi CBD in June this year.

At the same time Milimani Magistrate Bernard Ochoi directed the matter to be mentioned
on 29th October 2020 in open court for the court to give directions on the cctv footage provided, the prosecution to provide statements from Uhuru and Raila if any as well as the amended charge sheet if any. The accused; Patrick Rading Ambogo and Magoma Ayonga, were charged with the offence of unauthorized interception of computer data contrary to section 17(1) of the Computer Misuse and Cyber Crime Act. They were charged that on June 2, 2020 at around 8pm they intercepted a security CCTV footage capturing the Head of State’s entourage along Kenyatta avenue. They pleaded not guilty and were released on a cash bail of Ksh.10,000 or bond of Ksh.30,000 each on June 17th.

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