Home Court News Plea against a businessman in Sh 3.6 million obtaining claims deffered to May.

Plea against a businessman in Sh 3.6 million obtaining claims deffered to May.

by Robert Guyana

A Nairobi court has deferred a plea against businessman James Mwangi Kangi after it was informed that he was admitted at the hospital.

When the matter came before Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi, the court was informed that Mwangi was absent in court and was admitted at Mama Lucy hospital.

Lawyer Edwin Saluny informed the court that he has shared a medical document with the prosecution and therefore requested for deferral of the plea.

“My client is meant to appear before the high court because there is another matter there but he is now admitted at the hospital, “added Saluny.

Prosecutor Angela Fuchaka told magistrate Andayi that he has received the medical document from the suspect and did not oppose an application to differ a plea.

The intended charge sheet indicates that Mwangi obtained from Beatrice Wairimu 60,000 litres of diesel valued at Sh 3,633,000 by falsely pretending that he was in a position to pay her back, a fact he knew to be false.

He is said to have committed this offense on diverse dates between August 5, 2020 and June 1, 2020 at mirage supply and construction company west lands area.

The suspect was also charged with obtaining PVC pipes valued at Sh 746,400 from Miriam Wanjiru by falsely pretending that he was in a position to pay her back, knowing it was false.

Mwangi is also said to have obtained 5.2 Million from Phoebe Wakiini by falsely pretending that he was in a position to pay her back knowing it was false.

Magistrate Andayi directed the matter to be mentioned on May 21, 2021.

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