Home Court News Man Charged with Stealing Lover’s Sh 5.7 M Vehicle freed on Sh 500,000 bond

Man Charged with Stealing Lover’s Sh 5.7 M Vehicle freed on Sh 500,000 bond

by Robert Guyana

A man accused of stealing a Toyota Prado belonging to his lover has been charged in court.

Paul Kihika Wangari appeared before magistrate Francis Andayi and denied one count of stealing a motor vehicle against the law.

The court was informed that February 5, 2021 and April 3, 2021 in Nairobi, he stole a motor vehicle valued at Sh 5,780,000 the property of Hellen Tafrine Akinyi Omiti.

In his police statement, the accused confided that he met Akinyi at a bar on Mombasa Road in 2019 and started a relationship.

He confessed at using her motor vehicles since they were in a relationship and in February 2021, Akinyi sent him to supervise the renovation of her Shanzu house in Mombasa.

“I took her motor vehicle as usual which she fueled for me, and sent me Ksh80, 000 to carry out repairs of the car while in Mombasa,” Paul said in his statement. 

While in Mombasa, they argued over the phone and Kihika decided to sell the car to get money to solve personal problems he was facing.

“I did not consult her before I disposed of the car,” he added.

Kihika urged the court to free him on bond.

He was released on a Sh300,000 cash bail or a bond of Sh500, 000.

The case will be mentioned in two weeks to fix hearing dates.

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