Home Court News Four men charged with conspiracy to steal Sh 2.5 Million from a travel company.

Four men charged with conspiracy to steal Sh 2.5 Million from a travel company.

by Robert Guyana

John Mkoji, Cornelius Shakwila, Victor Sakwa and Elias Maina appeared before Senior Principal Magistrate Jane Kamau and denied the charges.

They were charged that on diverse dates between September 1,2020 and July 30,2021 at Palbina travel limited, jointly conspired to steal Sh 2.5M the property of Palbina Travel Limited.

They pleaded with the court to release them on favorable bond terms on grounds that they are family men and only bread winners.

“Accused one is married with three kids who are school going,” said lawyer to accused.

The defense said the case emanates from employee and employer relationship and were just conducting their duties.

Magistrate Kamau summoned the Investigation Officer in this case to appear before her on September 8, 2021 and explain the circumstances under which the accused phone are missing.

They were released on Sh 300,000 bond or a cash bail of Sh 200,000.

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