Home Court News A sister to a murdered Dutch tycoon Tob Cohen wants to be part of the murder case.

A sister to a murdered Dutch tycoon Tob Cohen wants to be part of the murder case.

by Robert Guyana

The sister of murdered Dutch tycoon Tob Cohen is now seeking to be enjoined in his murder case.

In an application filed in court, Ms. Gabrielle Van Straten through her lawyer Danstan Omari says unless the application is heard and orders prayed are granted, she will be heavily prejudiced.

The woman says that it is unjust and unfair for the instant proceedings to continue in her absence or to exclude her from the instant proceedings as the constant publication of information relating to the matter without the input of the victims of the alleged offence is condescending to the place of the victim in the justice process.

“It is obvious that Ms. Gabrielle is concerned about the controversy in the instant court proceedings and that unless this court entertains the instant application and gives the appropriate directions, the victim’s voices will be unlawfully muzzled,” added Omari.

She adds that as a victim of the ridiculous murder that threatens the diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kenya and Netherlands, there is a feeling that superior government officers are covering up the murder of the late Cohen.

Omari says that through the response filed by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and which has been subject of public discussion, it is public information that the DCI has linked the chief suspects in the murder of the late Tob Cohen as Sarah Wairimu Kamotho and Peter Karanja with Judge Sankai Ole Kantai through who is said to have planned the murder and subsequent cover up of the foul murder.

Omari says that it is obvious that Ms. Gabrielle is concerned about the controversy in the instant court proceedings and that unless this court entertains the instant application and gives the appropriate directions, the victim’s voices will be unlawfully muzzled.

Omari says that the matter was slated for mention for directions on October 13, 2021 though it came up for hearing on September 28, 2021 of an urgent application by the judge dated September 24, 2021 and thus scheduled for hearing on November 23,2021.

“The events leading to the arrest and prosecution of judge Kantai involve the ridiculous murder and mutilation of the Dutch Businessman the Late cohen, “added Omari.

Judge Kantai has been linked to the case after an explosive testimony of John Gachomo, a senior DCI officer, which paints a suspicious association between justice Kantai and Sarah Wairimu Cohen, the wife of the deceased businessman.

Gachomo has testified that judge Sankale actively participated in the planning and cover up of the murder of Tob Cohen.

The officer alleges that the judge convened several meetings with Sarah Wairimu to plan to murder Cohen at different places, location and dates.

Cohen was murdered in the year 2019 where his missing body was found in a septic tank at his home in Kitisuru, Spring Valley Nairobi.

His wife Sara Wairimu was charged with his murder.

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