Home Court News A man who faked burial permit has been sentenced to 8 months imprisonment.

A man who faked burial permit has been sentenced to 8 months imprisonment.

by Robert Guyana

Solomon Kithuka Chalo had been charged that on March 17, 2021, he forged a permit of burial document dated 17/3/2021 for one Mutisya Musyoka purporting it to be a genuine burial permit issued by Rehema Medical Health Center.

He was also charged with uttering the same forged burial permit at Britam Life Assurance Phoenix Branch Kenyatta Avenue Phoenix House purporting it to be for Musyoka issued by Rehema Medical Health Center.

Musyoka was also charged with forging Britam death claim notification form purporting it to be genuine.

He pleaded with court to grant him lenient sentence.

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