Home Court News Activist in court seeking to stop a sensitization workshop for the Kenya Editors Guild .

Activist in court seeking to stop a sensitization workshop for the Kenya Editors Guild .

by Robert Guyana

Activist Memba Ocharo has moved to court seeking to stop a sensitization workshop for the Kenya Editors Guild planned for 18-21st of this month in November.

The said sensitization workshop has been organized by the office of Director of Public Prosecution and is to be held in Mombasa
Memba also wants DPP Noordin Haji be summoned to appear before the EACC, Ministry of Treasury and Planning , office of Ombudsman and the media council of Kenya to account for the funds he is using .
According to the petitioner, the said meeting organized by the DPP for the editors is an attempt to corrupt the media personnel.
“The respondent’s invitation of editors from mainstream media houses is crafty connived scheme to either corrupt the editors from invited media stations to cover up his ills as documented in the four out of the five petitions before the PSC that seeks his removal from office,”Memba said.

Ocharo says he is aggrieved with the DPP’s move to secretly take senior media editors to Mombasa with intentions to gag the media on petitions filed in court.

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