Another petition to have the current Director of Public Prosecutions Noordin Haji removed from office has been filed in court
Charles Rubia Waithaka has filed he petition through lawyer Dansatan Omari saying that he has filed it on behalf of Kenyans who have been discontented with the high levels of impunity within Haji’s office.
“Haji’s office has signed an increased and enviable reputation since its inception for having the most robust structures and enhanced operations that are characterized by fairness, impartiality, equality, corruption, corruption free and high levels of dignity,” added Waithaka.
He adds that in the last four years after the appointment of Haji, Kenyans have seen this slowly changing and now the office of the DPP is tainted with corrupt and malicious practices, favourism and gross misconduct and high degrees of incompetence.
“It is evident lately, that shortlisting of candidates has been based on tribalism, nepotism and clannism instead of qualification, “added Rubia.
According to Waithaka, the recruitment process of staff in that office has become shambolic and full of corruption.
Waithaka has added that since the DPP took over the office, there has been unreasonable transfer of prosecution and in effect denying the public the best prosecution services and putting serious cases in jeopardy at hands inexperienced prosecutors.
“He added that Junior prosecution counsel have procedurally risen through the ranks without necessary procedure followed, “added Waithaka.
The man wants PSC to consider this humble petition and approve and consider forwarding this petition to the president.
Another petition filed in court to remove Haji from office.