Home Court News Man in for Impersonating himself as a Medical board official.

Man in for Impersonating himself as a Medical board official.

by Robert Guyana

A man who is being accused of issuing faking Kenya Medical Laboratory and technicians and Technologists Board documents has been charged in court.

Nick Otieno Odondi is alleged to have pretended that he was an officer of the Kenya Medical Laboratory and technicians and Technologists board officer.

“On diverse dates between 1st January 2016 and 28th February 2022 within the Republic of Kenya jointly with others not before the court with intent to defraud, falsely represented yourself as an officer of the Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board (KMLTTB) a fact you knew to be false” read the charge sheet in count one

In count two of the charge sheet, Nick is alleged to have used fraudulent tricks to induce Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists around the country to send money to his MPesa Account No. 0729308703 held at Safaricom Kenya limited, by falsely pretending that he was in a position to register them with the Kenya Medical Laboratory and Technologists Board (KMLTTB).

The accused who is a former employee of the board is also charged with obtaining Ksh500,000
from Medical Laboratory technicians and technologists around the country by falsely pretending that he was in a position to register them with the Kenya medical laboratory technicians and technologists Board (KMLTTB), a fact he knew to be false.

According to a police report seen by K24 digital, the KMLTTB board in 2015 realised that one of its employees Nick Odondi had been extorting money from Laboratory technicians across the country and issuing them with fake certificates without sitting for qualification exams.

Consequently, the board terminated his employment in the year 2015.

“Despite being terminated he continued to obtain money from the Laboratory technicians on the pretence that he was still an employee of the board and registered them without sitting for the board exam which is mandatory before being allowed to practice” read the police report in part.

Mpesa transactions from the victims were obtained from Safaricom Limited indicating the amount lost by the victims to Nick Odondi and a letter from the board indicating he had been removed from the board.

He pleaded not guilty before the chief magistrate Wendy Micheni and was released on cash ail of Ksh 100,000.

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