Home Court News Kenya Kwanza Digital Strategist Dennis Itumbi says they had an ellaborate process of tallying presidential votes.

Kenya Kwanza Digital Strategist Dennis Itumbi says they had an ellaborate process of tallying presidential votes.

by JT reporter

In a replying affidavit to a presidential petition filed by Azimio Presidential candidate Raila Odinga and his running mate Martha Karua, Itumbi said they had an elaborate tallying process of presidential votes.

Blogger Denis Itumbi has denied claims that the Kenya Kwanza coalition hired ICT gurus to facilitate the rigging of the August 9, presidential election.

In a replying affidavit to a presidential petition filed by Azimio Presidential candidate Raila Odinga and his running mate Martha Karua, Itumbi said they had an elaborate tallying process of presidential votes.

He said the coalition deployed over 46,000 polling stations agents with 4600 polling managers deployed to take charge of 10 polling stations.

“The polling station managers reported to the Mashinani Hustler Nation Coordinators who were in each of the 290 constituencies. They further engaged 4600 boda boda operators to transport the managers to collect the hard copy Forms 34As from their polling stations immediately they were signed by the presiding officers,” he said.

Itumbi said he was not involved in the tallying process but said the setting up and developing of the tallying center was a product of real time tests and lessons learnt overtime.

He said the by-elections that preceded the general elections gave them an opportunity to test the tallying process.

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