Home Court News A father of three seeks production order for his kids.

A father of three seeks production order for his kids.

by JT reporter

A father of 3 children is in distress after the disappearance of his three children.

He wants court to issue an order that whoever has the kids to release themnto him saying he is the biological father.

Through lawyer Danstan Omari,Nikesh Haji has made an application to have full custody of his children.
Nikesh Says that since the death of his wife, he has lived in pain and has gone through alit in trying to take custody of his children who were taken by unknown people after his wife (Vanitah Nikesh) allegedly committed suicide on April 2022.

He says that over 30 days now he has not been able to know the whereabouts of his children.

“I am willing to take care of the children as the only surviving parent,as I am financially capable,”added Nikesh.

He said he has been frustrated even to a point of being detained and accused of kidnapping his own kids but all those matters have been dismissed by the court.

Lawyer Omari wants a Mombasa Law Court to Issue a production order for the minors.

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