Home Court News Petition Challenging the Victory of West Mugirango MP dismissed.

Petition Challenging the Victory of West Mugirango MP dismissed.

by Robert Guyana

A petition challenging the Victory of Member of National Assembly for West Mugirango Constituency Stephen Mogaka has been dismissed.

It was filed by Edwin Nyakundi claiming that the elections held on August 9, 2022 in West Mugirango Constituency were not conducted in accordance with the constitution of Kenya.

He added that Mogaka and his supporters committed Multiple Election Offenses and Malpractices which deprived the election in the constituency of the fundamental Constitutional and Statutory requirements of freeness and fairness.

“IEBC and Returning officers conducted the election in a manner substantially inconsistent with the Provisions of the Constitution and written laws and the provisions of the Elections laws,” added Nyakundi.

But another one filed by petition Ong’era Rogers Moturi is still pending in court.

Rogers had placed Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), Returning Officer among other officials as the respondents.

But Mogaka has dismissed those allegations.

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