Communications and Multimedia Appeals Tribunal (CMAT) has set May 25/2023 as the date for mention of Pastor Ezekiel’s petition. In a petition filed on behalf of Ezekiel by his Lawyer Danstan Omari, Pastor Ezkiel Odero is seeking orders from the tribunal to restart his World Evangelism television station. “TAKE NOTI CE that the above matter has been fixed for a MENTION on the 25th Day of May 2023 at 2:30pm virtually “Reads the directive from Tribunal Court administrator. The parties in this matter have been warned that in default of their attendance on the said date and time, the Tribunal may proceed to MENTION and give any orders and /or directions it may deem fit to give your absence notwithstanding. The pastor said he is aggrieved by the authority’s CEO Ezra Chiloba’s decision to suspend the broadcast license issued to World Evangelism TV and wants the decision overturned. Ezekiel says that Mr Chiloba erred when after dispatching the letter outlining various allegations pertaining to the television station, failed to afford him an opportunity to be heard and deny the allegations. “Mr Chiloba erred in law and in fact when he abruptly suspended World Evangelism TV broadcast licence despite having explicitly granted us a 45-day grace period to adhere to the stipulated regulations and rectify any deficiencies within their establishment,” said Mr Odero.
Pastor Ezekiel’s Appeal at Tribunal to be mentioned on Thursday this week.