Home Court News Reprieve for Sakaja as court Saves School feeding program.

Reprieve for Sakaja as court Saves School feeding program.

by Robert Guyana

A Nairobi court has declined to issue orders suspending Sakaja’s school feeding program.

The program which is benefitting needy children will not progress as planned by the Nairobi County.

The high court judge Mugure Thande while delivering the ruling stated that suspending the feeding program would not be in the best interests of the children.

The interests of the children are paramount, according to Justice Mugure Thande, ruling that “conservatory orders sought cannot be issued at this stage.”

“I decline to grant any conservatory orders at this stage. To suspend the programme at this stage will be against the best interest of the children who are targeted to benefit from this program,” she said.

A lobby had gone to court earlier this month, seeking to halt Nairobi County’s Sh1.2 billion primary school feeding program, a move that might have denied over 250,000 students and pupils the opportunity to eat a meal in schools at the expense of the County Government.

Tunza Mtoto Coalition executive director Janet Muthoni Ouko, whose lobby represents privately owned informal schools, had petitioned the Constitutional and Human Rights Court to halt the program until her case was heard and resolved.

She requested that the court issue conservatory orders blocking and/or postponing the release and spending of funds allocated to the “Dishi na County” school-feeding program, which is intended to help public schools.

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