Home Court News Man Charged with Sh 5.7M Real Estate Fraud.

Man Charged with Sh 5.7M Real Estate Fraud.

by Robert Guyana

A middle-aged man has been charged at Milimani Law Courts with obtaining money by false pretence contrary to section 313 of the Penal Code.Erick Kiprono Mutai was arraigned at a Nairobi court with charges of fraudulently obtaining Ksh 5.7million from Jacob Michael Maini.Prosecution says that on diverse dates between November 24,2010 and January 21,2011 in Kilimani within Nairobi jointly with others not before court, Erick Kiprono obtained the said money by falsely pretending that he was in a position to sell the complainant a servant quarter flat and four shares in Kals property management limited a fact he knew to be falsel.Appearing before Principal Magistrate BenMark Ekhubi at Milimani Law courts, the accused denied the charges.Through his Lawyer Robinson Kigen, the accused pleaded with the court to release him on reasonable bond terms on the grounds that He presented himself voluntarily before the police and he is not a flight risk.”Your honour bail/bond is a right enshrined in the Constitution an accused has a right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty,”added.

Magistrate Ekhubi while delivering the ruling on bond, said he has considered the application by the accused’s Lawyer and granted him a bond of Ksh 1m with an alternative cash bail of Ksh 300k.

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